Wrapper for topicsTest function from the topics package
pred_var_x = NULL,
pred_var_y = NULL,
group_var = NULL,
control_vars = c(),
test_method = "linear_regression",
(list) The trained model
(string) The x variable name to be predicted, and to be plotted (only needed for regression or correlation)
(string) The y variable name to be predicted, and to be plotted (only needed for regression or correlation)
(string) The variable to group by (only needed for t-test)
(vector) The control variables (not supported yet)
(string) The test method to use, either "correlation","t-test", "linear_regression","logistic_regression", or "ridge_regression"
Parameter settings from topicsTest in the topics-package.
A list of the test results, test method, and prediction variable