This function tests the relationship between a single topic or all topics and a variable of interest. Available tests include correlation, t-test, linear regression, binary regression, and ridge regression. (EXPERIMENTAL - under development)
group_var = NULL,
control_vars = c(),
test_method = "linear_regression",
multiple_comparison = "fdr",
load_dir = NULL
(data.frame) The model returned from textTopics().
(string) Variable of interest for linear or binary regression
(string) Grouping variable for t-test
(list) Control variables for linear or binary regression
(string) Choose between "correlation", "t-test", "binary_regression", "linear_regression" or "ridge_regression"
Method for correction of multiple tests (e.g., "fdr", "bonferroni").
(string) if specified, the function returns the precomputed analysis from the directory, otherwise leave blank
Metadata and results of the test such as estimate, t-value, p-value, and variable name.