textTokenize() tokenizes according to different huggingface transformers
model = "bert-base-uncased",
max_token_to_sentence = 4,
device = "cpu",
tokenizer_parallelism = FALSE,
model_max_length = NULL,
hg_gated = FALSE,
hg_token = Sys.getenv("HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN", unset = ""),
trust_remote_code = FALSE,
logging_level = "error"
- texts
A character variable or a tibble/dataframe with at least one character variable.
- model
Character string specifying pre-trained language model (default 'bert-base-uncased'). For full list of options see pretrained models at HuggingFace. For example use "bert-base-multilingual-cased", "openai-gpt", "gpt2", "ctrl", "transfo-xl-wt103", "xlnet-base-cased", "xlm-mlm-enfr-1024", "distilbert-base-cased", "roberta-base", or "xlm-roberta-base".
- max_token_to_sentence
(numeric) Maximum number of tokens in a string to handle before switching to embedding text sentence by sentence.
- device
Name of device to use: 'cpu', 'gpu', 'gpu:k' or 'mps'/'mps:k' for MacOS, where k is a specific device number.
- tokenizer_parallelism
If TRUE this will turn on tokenizer parallelism. Default FALSE.
- model_max_length
The maximum length (in number of tokens) for the inputs to the transformer model (default the value stored for the associated model).
- hg_gated
Set to TRUE if the accessed model is gated.
- hg_token
The token needed to access the gated model. Create a token from the ['Settings' page](https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens) of the Hugging Face website. An an environment variable HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN can be set to avoid the need to enter the token each time.
- trust_remote_code
use a model with custom code on the Huggingface Hub
- logging_level
Set the logging level. Default: "warning". Options (ordered from less logging to more logging): critical, error, warning, info, debug
See also
see textEmbed