textEmbedLayerAggregation selects and aggregates layers of hidden states to form a word embedding.
layers = "all",
aggregation_from_layers_to_tokens = "concatenate",
aggregation_from_tokens_to_texts = "mean",
return_tokens = FALSE,
tokens_select = NULL,
tokens_deselect = NULL
- word_embeddings_layers
Layers returned by the textEmbedRawLayers function.
- layers
(character or numeric) The numbers of the layers to be aggregated (e.g., c(11:12) to aggregate the eleventh and twelfth). Note that layer 0 is the input embedding to the transformer, and should normally not be used. Selecting 'all' thus removes layer 0 (default = "all")
- aggregation_from_layers_to_tokens
(character) Method to carry out the aggregation among the layers for each word/token, including "min", "max" and "mean" which takes the minimum, maximum or mean across each column; or "concatenate", which links together each layer of the word embedding to one long row (default = "concatenate").
- aggregation_from_tokens_to_texts
(character) Method to carry out the aggregation among the word embeddings for the words/tokens, including "min", "max" and "mean" which takes the minimum, maximum or mean across each column; or "concatenate", which links together each layer of the word embedding to one long row (default = "mean").
- return_tokens
(boolean) If TRUE, provide the tokens used in the specified transformer model (default = FALSE).
- tokens_select
(character) Option to only select embeddings linked to specific tokens in the textEmbedLayerAggregation() phase such as "[CLS]" and "[SEP]" (default NULL).
- tokens_deselect
(character) Option to deselect embeddings linked to specific tokens in the textEmbedLayerAggregation() phase such as "[CLS]" and "[SEP]" (default NULL).
A tibble with word embeddings. Note that layer 0 is the input embedding to the transformer, which is normally not used.
See also
See textEmbedRawLayers
and textEmbed
# Aggregate the hidden states from textEmbedRawLayers
# to create a word embedding representing the entire text.
# This is achieved by concatenating layer 11 and 12.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
word_embedding <- textEmbedLayerAggregation(
layers = 11:12,
aggregation_from_layers_to_tokens = "concatenate",
aggregation_from_tokens_to_texts = "mean"
# Examine word_embedding
} # }