Trained models created by e.g., textTrain() or stored on e.g., github can be used to predict new scores or classes from embeddings or text using textPredict.

  model_info = NULL,
  word_embeddings = NULL,
  texts = NULL,
  x_append = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  dim_names = TRUE,
  save_model = TRUE,
  threshold = NULL,
  show_texts = FALSE,
  device = "cpu",
  participant_id = NULL,
  save_embeddings = TRUE,
  save_dir = "wd",
  save_name = "textPredict",
  story_id = NULL,
  dataset_to_merge_predictions = NULL,
  previous_sentence = FALSE,



(character or r-object) model_info has four options. 1: R model object (e.g, saved output from textTrainRegression). 2: Link to a model stored in a github repo (e.g, ""). 3: Link to a model stored in a osf project (e.g, 4: Path to a model stored locally (e.g, "path/to/your/model"). Information about some accessible models can be found at:


(tibble) Embeddings from e.g., textEmbed(). If you're using a pre-trained model, then texts and embeddings cannot be submitted simultaneously (default = NULL).


(character) Text to predict. If this argument is specified, then arguments "word_embeddings" and "premade embeddings" cannot be defined (default = NULL).


(tibble) Variables to be appended after the word embeddings (x).


(character) Defines what output to give after logistic regression prediction. Either probabilities, classifications or both are returned (default = "class". For probabilities use "prob". For both use "class_prob").


(boolean) Account for specific dimension names from textEmbed() (rather than generic names including Dim1, Dim2 etc.). If FALSE the models need to have been trained on word embeddings created with dim_names FALSE, so that embeddings were only called Dim1, Dim2 etc.


(boolean) The model will by default be saved in your work-directory (default = TRUE). If the model already exists in your work-directory, it will automatically be loaded from there.


(numeric) Determine threshold if you are using a logistic model (default = 0.5).


(boolean) Show texts together with predictions (default = FALSE).


Name of device to use: 'cpu', 'gpu', 'gpu:k' or 'mps'/'mps:k' for MacOS, where k is a specific device number such as 'mps:1'.


(list) Vector of participant-ids. Specify this for getting person level scores (i.e., summed sentence probabilities to the person level corrected for word count). (default = NULL)


(boolean) If set to TRUE, embeddings will be saved with a unique identifier, and will be automatically opened next time textPredict is run with the same text. (default = TRUE)


(character) Directory to save embeddings. (default = "wd" (i.e, work-directory))


(character) Name of the saved embeddings (will be combined with a unique identifier). (default = ""). Obs: If no save_name is provided, and model_info is a character, then save_name will be set to model_info.


(vector) Vector of story-ids. Specify this to get story level scores (i.e., summed sentence probabilities corrected for word count). When there is both story_id and participant_id indicated, the function returns a list including both story level and person level prediction corrected for word count. (default = NULL)


(R-object, tibble) Insert your data here to integrate predictions to your dataset, (default = NULL).


If set to TRUE, word-embeddings will be averaged over the current and previous sentence per story-id. For this, both participant-id and story-id must be specified.


Setting from stats::predict can be called.


Predictions from word-embedding or text input.


if (FALSE) {

# Text data from Language_based_assessment_data_8
text_to_predict <- "I am not in harmony in my life as much as I would like to be."

# Example 1: (predict using pre-made embeddings and an R model-object)
prediction1 <- textPredict(
  model_info = trained_model,

# Example 2: (predict using a pretrained github model)
prediction2 <- textPredict(
  texts = text_to_predict,
  model_info = ""

# Example 3: (predict using a pretrained logistic github model and return
# probabilities and classifications)
prediction3 <- textPredict(
  texts = text_to_predict,
  model_info = "
  type = "class_prob",
  threshold = 0.7

# Example 4: (predict from texts using a pretrained model stored in an osf project)
prediction4 <- textPredict(
  texts = text_to_predict,
  model_info = ""
##### Automatic implicit motive coding section ######

# Create example dataset
implicit_motive_data <- dplyr::mutate(.data = Language_based_assessment_data_8,
participant_id = dplyr::row_number())

# Code implicit motives.
implicit_motives <- textPredict(
  texts = implicit_motive_data$satisfactiontexts,
  model_info = "implicit_power_roberta_large_L23_v1",
  participant_id = implicit_motive_data$participant_id,
  dataset_to_merge_predictions = implicit_motive_data

# Examine results

if (FALSE) {
# Examine the correlation between the predicted values and
# the Satisfaction with life scale score (pre-included in text).
